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Empowering Journeys
in Faith and Freedom


The vision of IDENTITY IN CHRIST MEDIA is to be a leading voice in spiritual freedom and transformation ministries, guiding individuals globally towards a profound understanding of their identity in Christ, training and accountability. We aspire to create a world where believers are empowered to live in the fullness of their divine calling, breaking free from spiritual darkness and stepping confidently into the light of truth and freedom found in Jesus Christ.


The mission of IDENTITY IN CHRIST MEDIA is to publish and disseminate transformative Christian content that leads individuals on a journey from spiritual darkness to light. We are dedicated to providing resources that equip believers with the knowledge, understanding, and practical tools to embrace and experience their true identity in Christ. Through our publications, and experience, we will nurture spiritual growth, foster leadership in ministry, and inspire a life-changing relationship with God, ultimately empowering Christians to be agents of change and freedom in their communities and beyond.

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Night in the City

Available Now
on Amazon

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The book's mission is to lead believers from understanding to experiencing Christ's victory, equipping them also to become leaders to guide others on this redemptive journey.

What is included ...

  1. Utilizes successful deliverance and counseling techniques for enduring freedom.
  2. Supplies essential powerful personality profile insights

  3. Includes a special section on how to put on the awesome and effective armor of God as intended.

  4. Shares productive methods in embracing sanctification

  5. Contains a very helpful system for overcoming triggers

  6. Plus many testimonies of successful implementation and so much more!

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